James Bryson
James Bryson is a Humboldt Fellow in the Catholic Theology Faculty at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, where he works on philosophical and theological hermeneutics, ethics, cultural criticism, and metaphysics.
Bio last updated September 20th, 2021.

Articles by James Bryson

A Liberal Dose of Compulsory Confusion
By James Bryson
September 17, 2021
In the dizzying dash for vaccine mandates, James Bryson asks, what happened to the liberal/Liberal claims of “my body, my choice” that justified abortion and MAiD?
The Liberal support of vaccine mandates represent a 180 degree turn away from what had been their staunch defence of individual autonomy for the last two generations, reaching back at least to the institution of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms introduced by the Liberal government led by our Prime Minister’s father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau After supporting vaccine mandates, Liberals can no longer claim that they hold bodily autonomy as an inviolable right, that a person’s private medical choices are his own, choices he should be allowed to make free from coercion and ideally from shame Two culturally divisive issues stand out in the Liberal and liberal support of individual autonomy as a touchstone of their vision for Canada’s future: abortion and Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) This invites the question: Why have Liberals and their liberal cheerleaders suddenly reversed course by introducing vaccine passports that effectively relegate those who would adhere to the ‘my body, my choice’ mantra, which has informed liberal thinking for decades, to the status of second-class citizenship?
COVID’s Cost in Liberty Lost
James Bryson
June 8, 2021
Theologian James Bryson surveys the historical landscape of Munich and finds troubling harbingers vis-a-vis his home province of Nova Scotia’s authoritarian response to the pandemic.
To offer a striking example of the kind of culture this new form of authoritarian government encourages, consider a piece published in the Chronicle Herald, our local paper, last year, written by a student of Citadel High School, in which he all but names teachers who, in his view, were in violation...