Melissa Payne

Melissa Payne has been writing since she can remember, and has found her niche in the areas of spirituality, poetry and prose. She is passionate about the connection between Psychology and Spirituality, and desires to promote human flourishing through her words.

Bio last updated December 9th, 2019.

Melissa Payne

Articles by Melissa Payne

  • Darkness

    As the days grow darker, Melissa Payne reflects on the way darkness and cold weave themselves into the pace of our living. In darkness lies more than despair, Payne writes.

    Just as we let our physical bodies be cared for in these months approaching, with warm baths, and soups, blankets and early nights in with a friend or a book; let yourself be cared for in the times of pain I can’t tell you how your own box of darkness (as Mary Oliver writes) will shape your life The...