Jeff Lockert
Jeff is the President of Catholic Christian Outreach Canada, a member of the Faith in Canada Cabinet of Canadians, and can be found blogging on Cultivating Virtue and Leadership at
Bio last updated August 7th, 2019.
Articles by Jeff Lockert
Good That Comes From Nazareth
By Jeff Lockert
March 24, 2018
Visiting the site that was home of Mary, the Mother of God, Convivium contributor Jeff Lockert, president of Catholic Christian Outreach, meditates on the difference that Incarnational leadership can make to the world
And it is a profoundly incarnational approach because the Word became flesh and dwelt among us without ceasing to be Divine – God became human – in the person of Jesus So during Mass, at that moment when the priest elevated the bread and the wine and prayed the prayer of consecration, I was completely awestruck at the wonder that Jesus, the Word of God, was becoming flesh “here” in the very place that the Word of God first became flesh and changed all of human history, and all of human destiny
My Great Grandfather
Jeff Lockert
November 2, 2017
For Jeff Lockert, President of Catholic Christian Outreach and a member of the Faith in Canada 150 Cabinet of Canadians, time with Grandpa Henry was always a brush with greatness.
While Grandpa Henry probably would have had no idea who John Wooden was (Henry wasn’t really a big sports fan), I can say that Grandpa was truly a great leader because he brought out greatness in me Grandpa Henry was a great husband, a great friend, a great father, a great farmer, and a great leader...
Offering the Very Best
Jeff Lockert
October 4, 2017
Jeff Lockert discusses the challenges that face Millennials of faith. Lockert writes, "the real challenge is for each and every one of you to offer the very best of yourselves to the world. And the very best of yourselves includes your faith."
I share this story to begin with because over these few days at the Faith in Canada Millennium Summit, we’ve been surfacing a number of difficult challenges We heard in some of the discussion groups during the Summit, people sharing that they are sometimes afraid of what other others might think of ...
Born Of Love Not Lack
Pomeline Martinoski, Jeff Lockert, Tim McCauley, Ashley Chapman
August 25, 2017
Convivium readers, and even a member of the Convivium team, respond to Marlena Lougheed’s account of her decision to leave worldly life and join the Catholic religious order, Sisters of Life.
After reading Marlena's account of her vocation story in Convivium's A Love Louder Than Noise, I can recall the piercing silence with which God burst into my heart, the moment I finally let Him speak to me “I resonate with Marlena Loughheed's journey of discerning a call from God in the midst of the...